In collaboration with the Zürcher Filmstiftung, the Zurich Film Festival is making a statement in favor of children's films. Together, we aim to raise the profile of children's films in the Swiss film industry and present the format How to Kinderfilm – an afternoon dedicated entirely to the development, production, and distribution of children's and family films. The second edition will take place on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, as part of the 20. Zurich Film Festival.

Previous edition 2023

Part 1: Matchmaking

As part of the matchmaking, Swiss film producers and directors had the opportunity to meet with experts in the field. Over 15 experienced filmmakers, consultants, advisors, and financiers were available at our matchmaking tables—covering story development, on-set practices, marketing, and financing—to offer advice and answer questions. The matchmaking sessions were conducted in German.

Expert Table 1 & 2: Story development

  • Gerrit Hermanns – Drehbuchautor (DAS FLIEGENDE KLASSENZIMMER)
  • Dr. Rüdiger Hilmer – Dramaturg und Lektor
  • Johannes Honsell – Executive Producer und Regisseur (CHECKER TOBI)
  • Micha Lewinsky – Drehbuchautor, Regisseur und Kinderbuchautor
  • This Lüscher – Drehbuchautor, Regisseur und Produzent
  • Stefanie Plattner – Regisseurin und Produzentin (DIE (UN)LANGWEILIGSTE SCHULE DER WELT)

Expert Table 3: On-set practices

  • Ekrem Ergün – Head of Development und Regisseur (DIE (UN)LANGWEILIGSTE SCHULE DER WELT)
  • Ralph Etter – Drehbuchautor, Regisseur und Filmkids Coach
  • Christof Oswald – Schauspielcoach für Kinder und Jugendliche (MEIN NAME IST EUGEN)
  • Alexandra Lovisi – Inhaberin und Tiertrainerin, Filmtierfarm

Expert Table 4: Marketing

  • Ditti Bürgin-Brook – Produzent und Dozent (SCHELLEN URSLI)
  • Suzanne Hégelé – Film Rights Manager, Diogenes
  • Barbie Heusinger – Freelance Film Development, Film Marketing und International Sales & Acquisitions Consultant

Expert Table 5: Financing

  • Julia Krättli – Geschäftsführerin, Zürcher Filmstiftung
  • Tamara Mattle – Leiterin Pacte Kinospielfilm, SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen

Part 2 – Panel discussion

Following, four experts from the matchmaking – Ralph Etter (Screenwriter, Director and Filmkids Coach), Gerrit Hermanns (Screenwriter DAS FLIEGENDE KLASSENZIMMER), Dr. Rüdiger Hilmer (Dramatic Advisor, and Editor) and Stefanie Plattner (Director and Producer DIE (UN)LANGWEILIGSTE SCHULE DER WELT) answered the question  What do children want to see?

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