Sustainability is a relevant topic at the Zurich Film Festival. This is underlined by the green carpet on Sechseläutenplatz, which the filmmakers always walk across. The carpet has been green since 2010 - because back then, when sustainability was not yet on everyone's lips, the ZFF wanted to set an example in the direction of sustainability and offset its guests' flights with MyClimate.

The ZFF is carried out climate neutral. In addition to offsetting CO2 emissions, the goal is also to keep emissions as low as possible. The following measures are being implemented and continuously developed:

The greenhouse gas emissions caused by the Film Festival 2021 were calculated by the company carbon-connect AG and will be fully compensated. The compensation takes place via 3 climate protection projects. One project for the promotion of green energies is located in Spain. The rest is done through renewable energies in Asia and nature projects (forest protection) in South America.

All European guests are encouraged to travel by public_local transport - for example, Juliette Binoche traveled by TGV instead of by plane. Only a reduced number of guests are invited from overseas. As an option, for example, a connection via Zoom for a Q&A is offered. Where travel by public_local transport or on foot is not possible, all guests in Zurich will be transported by electric vehicles. The e-fleet is the best of all options in the context of safety, deadline pressure and environmental protection.

The majority of festival-goers come to ZFF by public_local transport (67%), 11% arrive by bike, 6% on foot. Only 14 % arrive by car.

Our catering partners focus on seasonality and work with local partners and suppliers. At ZFF events, reusable tableware is used exclusively. ZFF always offers vegetarian menus in crew catering.

Screenings and all events for customers and partners take place in existing locations with fixed infrastructure; only the Festival Centre is built temporarily. Likewise, wherever possible, local suppliers will be used in production and a strong reduction of printed materials will be shown (the catalog, for example, has already been cancelled in 2020).

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