Discover if you fulfil all the requirements needed for ZFF media accreditation and how you can apply.
An application for media accreditation can only be submitted by representatives of the press who are covering the Zurich Film Festival. The prerequisite is proof of current professional activity in the form of a work or assignment confirmation.
In order to process your accreditation application, we ask you to attach documents and/or links to your previous press work, which must contain at least one of the following elements:
Notice: Social media channels do not qualify for press accreditation.
Press accreditation allows you to access the following screenings and events:
Photo and camera crews require a free photo/TV accreditation. This allows you to access the following events. Please note that the number of places may be limited and additional registration necessary.
* The additionally required ticket must be obtained online in advance. Bookings can be made from one day before the premiere up to one hour before the film screening begins. The number of tickets reserved for the press is limited and are distributed on a first come, first served basis.
** The additionally required ticket must be obtained in advance by sending a request via email to [email protected]. The number of tickets reserved for the press is limited for all of these events. The ticket will be confirmed on the evening before the event.
Please note the following deadlines:
1. Press accreditation until September 20, 2024 (70 CHF) - badges will be sent via post (only Swiss addresses)
Applications for online accreditation can be submitted up until September 20 via your personal My ZFF Account. The fee of 70 CHF must be paid at the latest on September 22, 2024. Press badges will be sent on September 26, 2024 to all accredited persons who paid within this time frame and whose specified delivery addresses is located in Switzerland. International press may pick up their press badges at the Press Desk in the Festival Centre during the festival.
2. Press accreditation from September 21, 2024 (100 CHF) - Press badges to be collected at the ZFF Press Desk
Online accreditation after September 20, 2024 can also be submitted via the personal MyZFF-Account. Accreditations after September 20 cost 100 CHF and can be paid online or as of October 3 at the Press Desk in the ZFF Festival Centre (cashless). For applications submitted after September 20, badges will not be sent via post, but can be picked up at the Press Desk. It is also possible to get accredited on-site at the Press Desk during the festival (100 CHF, to be paid cashless).
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