09. October 2024

Richard Gere celebrated at ZFF for WISDOM OF HAPPINESS

On Tuesday evening, ZFF welcomed Richard Gere on the green carpet. The Tibetan community, looking forward to WISDOM OF HAPPINESS, created an unforgettable atmosphere on the Sechseläutenplatz.

© Fabienne Wild for ZFF

Just in time for the anniversary year, one of Hollywood's biggest stars has returned to Zurich: Richard Gere. The actor already visited ZFF in 2012. At that time he presented the financial thriller ARBITRAGE and received the Golden Icon Award.

On Tuesday evening he walked the green carpet again and attracted a large crowd of fans who created a unique atmosphere with Tibetan gestures. This year, Gere presented the film WISDOM OF HAPPINESS - a special work in which the Dalai Lama speaks directly to the audience. The spiritual teacher manages to captivate us and reach even hearts petrified by stress and the harshness of everyday life. A meditative cinematic experience that will stay with you for a long time - with attractive images and unpublished material from the archives of the Tibetan government.

Also present on the green carpet were directing duo Barbara Miller and Philip Delaquis, as well as the Dalai Lama's sister.

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