ZFF Masters

ZFF Masters Howard Shore

Saturday, October 5
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM o'clock
Arena 4

As part of the ZFF Masters, our audience finds itself in a cinema theatre to listen to talks with actors, directors, screenwriters or other film workers. In addition to offering insights into their creative work, guests often recite amusing anecdotes from their personal careers and are also available to answer audience questions. Howard Shore is one of the most renowned composers of our time and a prodigious talent whose works have made film history and whose music is performed in concert halls around the world by the most prestigious orchestras. «Howard Shore is one of the greatest film composers of our time», explains Christian Jungen, Artistic Director of ZFF. «He has written iconic scores for milestones in film history such as LORD OF THE RINGS or THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS.


Arena Cinemas Sihlcity, Saal 4

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