Year after year, the ZFF brings world stars to Zurich. In recent times, actors and actresses like Sharon Stone, Johnny Depp, Sylvester Stallone and Eddie Redmayne have been guests. The festival offers plenty of opportunities to get close to these personalities and get profound insights into their work.
You can get up-close and personal with the ZFF Guests in Zurich at the following events:
Year after year, the festival invites numerous filmmakers so that they can present their works in person. There is an introduction before the film and usually a moderated discussion afterwards, where the audience can ask questions and learn more about the film talents behind the projects. This direct contact with the filmmakers sets the cinema experience at ZFF apart from the everyday cinema-going experience.
As part of the ZFF Masters, our audience finds itself in a cinema theatre to listen to talks with actors, directors, screenwriters or other film workers. In addition to offering insights into their creative work, guests often recite amusing anecdotes from their personal careers and are also available to answer audience questions.
With film as its focus, the ZFF Talks series offers experts from various sectors the opportunity to explore controversial issues currently affecting the fields of culture, science and politics. The ZFF Talks are free of charge, open to the public and are announced together with the festival programme.
At Sechseläutenplatz, the hub of the ZFF, the Green Carpet is rolled out to cue the start of the festival. This is where our guests appear to the delight of their fans and the general public, pose for photos and give interviews as they make their way to the movie theatre. Whether you plan to visit the Green Carpet or just happen to be strolling past Sechseläutenplatz, the chances are you'll cross paths here with a world-class star.
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