by Rune Denstad Langlo
Deep in the north of Norway, Primus, a jovial loudmouth with a penchant for xenophobic banter, is the third generation to run what looks more like a building site than a should-be hotel – and he does not have any money left to finish the project. To cover the renovation costs, Primus comes up with an idea: he decides to convert the hotel into a refugee accomodation and to compel the state to foot the bill. Fifty freezing refugees, the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration and a depressed wife quickly become more than he can handle. As luck would have it, however, there is an intelligent, warm-hearted Eritrean polyglot present, Abedi, who lends him a hand. Director Rune Denstad Langlo tackles a burning issue with a fantastic sense of Nordic humour: what begins as a mere means to solving Primus’ financial problems results in much more as the hotel owner did not anticipate the volatile human factor.